KKC Tech
  • (630) 851-9822
  • Managed Services

    KKC Tech offers a robust managed services platform to fully support your IT needs from beginning to end.

    Monitoring and Maintenance

    Our service package includes 24x7x365 automated monitoring and reporting, keeping our technicians advised of all the activity on your devices. We receive alerts and will promptly notify you of any outages that occur, and receive preemptive warnings on any upcoming or possible issues. Even when everything is running fine, we are ensuring regular maintenance tasks are being run to keep your network running smoothly.


    With security on the top of everybody’s mind due to recent widespread breaches, we have made significant efforts in ensuring all our clients are adhering to all the best practices we have developed over many years of experience. We combine defending endpoints via managed antivirus and patch management with user specific spam/web filtering to ensure everybody can remain productive, while being protected.

    Disaster Recovery

    Even with all the precautions that can be taken to protect your data, there are still things outside of your control that could cause catastrophic data loss. Ranging anywhere from a manufacturer hardware defect to a severe act of nature, being prepared with disaster recovery strategies should be one of the top priority items being handled. We make sure you are prepared by implementing local and cloud backup solutions to provide you with the peace of mind that should the worst happen, there is still a way back.

    Live Support

    The cornerstone of our managed services is our people. We pride ourselves on having efficient, knowledgeable technicians to resolve any issues that may arise. Whether it requires a call in to our help desk, a brief email exchange, or an on-site visit, our friendly support team is ready and willing to assist in any way we can.

    KKC Tech
    1550 N. Farnsworth Ave.
    Aurora, IL 60505

    P: (630) 851-9822
    F: (630) 851-9855
    E: sales@kkctech.com
    Privacy Policy

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